Koodo   8GB data 計劃再來了!

包括 8GB data,無限通話和無限發短信(包括國際)。


Step 0: You must have an existing Public Mobile #, that is eligible in the Koodo database
Step 1: https://koo.do/choosekoodo
Step 2: Select Language / Region
Step 3: DON'T click SWITCH NOW. Instead, click the underlined a SIM Card
Step 4: Scroll down a bit, and you'll see the SIM Card with an option to Add to Cart.
Step 5: Add to Cart
Step 6: Select "New to Koodo" and Proceed
Step 7: Click on "Got a promo code"
Step 8: Enter your promo code (JOINKOODOCRP for $45/8GB) and validation (Your Valid Public Mobile #)

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